SF author L. S. King


Children of the Enaisi

a science fiction novel
by L. S. King

book two of the Sword's Edge Chronicles



"This is an excellent book indeed... I look forward to reading the rest of this fine series."
  - P.M. Griffin, award-winning SF author


"Children of the Enaisi has a beautiful high concept with a mysterious past of lost technology and ancient secrets. A fresh new take on Rangers that fans of classic pulp fantasy will love."
  - Jon Del Arroz, award-winning SF author


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Children of the Enaisi


The world is changing—
—too fast.
Changes to tradition and law bring chaotic unrest amidst worries over traitors on the run and murdering bandits eluding capture.
Mysteries of the past are revealed...
...secrets of the present are brought to light.
Can their world survive even more changes? One person holds the key to reopening the portal, closed for half a millennium. But what lies on the other side? Is it even safe to consider opening it?


Available in print at:

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Teldheri Map
Pronunciation Guide






"This is an excellent book indeed. The characters are soundly crafted, and I soon found myself pulling for the protagonists and roundly cursing the villains. The society is complex and intriguing; the action scenes are detailed and well described. I look forward to reading the rest of this fine series."
  - P.M. Griffin, award-winning SF author


"Children of the Enaisi has a beautiful high concept with a mysterious past of lost technology and ancient secrets. A fresh new take on Rangers that fans of classic pulp fantasy will love."
  - Jon Del Arroz




Cover designed by MiblArt






The Reluctant King
Book four of
The Sword's Edge Chronicles
Coming soon!


Sword's Edge Chronicles
ebook Omnibus edition!

Now Available!


Deuces Wild
book four

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