SF author L. S. King


Loriendil's Links


Special Sites for SF/F Writers




  • Self-Publisher's Legal Handbook by Helen Sedwick
    available in print and e-book
  • The Elements of Style by Strunk and White, ISBN: 020530902X
            Elements of Style Online
  • Self Editing for Fiction Writers, Second Edition by Renni Browne and Dave King, ISBN: 0060545690
  • Eats, Shoots and Leaves by Lynne Truss, ISBN: 1592400876
  • Plot & Structure by James Scott Bell, ISBN: 3531310942
  • Woe Is I by Patricia T. O'Conner, ISBN: 1594480060
  • Chicago Manual of Style published by the University of Chicago Press



Special Sites for SF/F Writers




There is no magic formula that will get you published. I take that back: there is. You can go through a vanity press or self-publish. Nothing is withheld these days. But many writers make the mistake of taking one of those routes too soon. To become a successful published author is hard work and can take a long time (if ever, because there are no guarantees).
So my advice: Take your time. Hone your writing. Nothing is worse than picking up a book filled with typos, grammatical errors, weak plots, one-dimensional characters, pages of exposition, and on and on. Learn the craft. Get writing partners or join a writers' group. Study writing. Study it some more. Rewrite. Get critiques. Rewrite again. Even if you self-publish, learn to do professional query letters, synopses, book proposals, bios, and blurbs. Go to conferences and meet writers, agents, and editors. Do market research. Learn to sell yourself and your work.
And... Good luck!



The Reluctant King
Book four of
The Sword's Edge Chronicles
Coming soon!


Sword's Edge Chronicles
ebook Omnibus edition!

Now Available!


Deuces Wild
book four

1000 / 80000


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