SF author L. S. King



Pronunciation of Names

in the Sword's Edge Chronicles



  • indicates a glottal stop except when used after ch, in which case it indicates the ch is a hard sound (as in Scottish loch)
  • dh indicates a fricative d (as in mother or then)
  • a is ä (as in father), except in an accented syllable, in which case it is short
  • e is short as in egg
  • i is short as in pit, except as final vowel, then it is long e, as in Teldheri (or when followed by double consonants, such as is common in female names)
  • ai is a diphthong, with the separate vowels pronounced as given above: ä and long e
  • ei is a diphthong, with the separate vowels pronounced as given above: short e and long e
  • o is long o
  • u is long as in rule
  • gh indicates a soft g (as in general)
  • jh indicates a sibilant s (as in measure)

Male names:

  • accent is on the first syllable except when it is a three syllable name beginning with a vowel with a closed second syllable, in which case the accent is on the second syllable, therefore El’adhrel but Alcan’dhor

Female names:

  • in names such as Sarinna, or Colinn, the i is pronounced as a long e and carries the accent, as indicated by the double consonant after the vowel
  • in names such as Amara or Aleta, the accent is on the second syllable
  • in names such as Sherel, accent is on the first syllable

"enh?" used at the end of a sentence to indicate a question does not carry a long a sound, but rather the nasal enh sound similar to "hein" used by the French.



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