SF author L. S. King


Welcome to my website and home to all my writing, including my two series:

Where's Epstein's client list?


Sword's Edge Chronicles

Books 1 - 3 now in an ebook omnibus edition!

Sword's Edge Chronicles


The portal has long closed—
Severing ties to the aliens who had brought them to this planet.
Complacency through many generations brought stagnation to the Teldheri people. Alcandhor advocates learning, evaluating traditions, and encouraging new ideas to invigorate his people, despite opposition from provincial lords who wish to maintain control.
But almost miraculously, ancient places are rediscovered—
Long-lost artifacts are found and prophecies revealed—
And now their world teeters on a sword's edge. Will the people embrace these amazing events and the inevitable changes or fight against Alcandhor and all he and his kin represent?




The Reluctant King
Book four of
The Sword's Edge Chronicles
Coming soon!


Sword's Edge Chronicles
ebook Omnibus edition!

Now Available!


Deuces Wild
book four

1000 / 80000


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